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Der Wind bleibt rau an den Aktienmärkten. Nur wenige Scale-Titel können sich halten, das Thema der Stunde sind die Lieferengpässe. Ein aufgehender Stern ist das Biotech-Unternehmen Formycon – mit einem Kursplus von 26 Prozent seit Jahresanfang. Drei...
The wind remains rough on the stock markets. Only a few scale stocks can hold their ground; the topic of the hour is supply bottlenecks. One rising star is the biotech company Formycon - with a price increase of 26 percent since the beginning of the...
The wind remains rough on the stock markets. Only a few scale stocks can hold their ground; the topic of the hour is supply bottlenecks. One rising star is the biotech company Formycon - with a price increase of 26 percent since the beginning of the...
The wind remains rough on the stock markets. Only a few scale stocks can hold their ground; the topic of the hour is supply bottlenecks. One rising star is the biotech company Formycon - with a price increase of 26 percent since the beginning of the...