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German equities are treading water, and Goldberg believes this could remain the case. There are no profits for the bears and the all-time high is standing in the way of the bulls. Summary The bottom line is that the DAX is unchanged from...
Once again, institutional investors are clearly being drawn to the sidelines. But with an interesting trend. Summary For the second time this year, the group of institutional investors who expect the DAX to move sideways in the coming weeks...
Investors are acknowledging the brief dip with purchases. Joachim Goldberg knows whether this could pose a threat to the bull market. Summary Many professionals reacted to the rapid recovery after the price dip by buying shares, having...
Pessimists have turned into demanders: clear change in sentiment among institutional investors. Summary At least for institutional investors, neither inflation fears nor the threatening developments in the Middle East played a major role in...
Ad hoc announcement according to article 53 KR Montana Aerospace AG: Annual Report 2023 --> Reinach (pta012/03.04.2024/08:56 UTC+2) As our Websiteserver is down currently, please find attached our Annual Report 2023. Da unser...
Während im DAX immer neue Rekorde gefeiert werden, geht es im Scale-Segment nicht so richtig voran. Titel wie Advanced Blockchain profitieren aber vom Krypto- und Tech-Boom. Cantourage kann die hohen Kurse nicht halten.  18. März 2024. FRANKFURT...
Despite the small trading range, the market is on the move. Many professionals are on the sidelines with profits and private investors are increasingly betting on falling prices. Summary Yesterday's DAX slump following US inflation data was...
Despite strong DAX levels, professionals remain cautious, while private investors show stable optimism. According to Goldberg, this is a positive scenario for further price gains. Summary Despite new record highs, Joachim Goldberg considers...
No chance of a favorable entry, the brake at 17,000 and the flood of news is causing some professionals to switch to the bear side. Private investors are remaining bravely optimistic. According to Goldberg, this is a good starting...
The price gains of German blue chips have put pressure on professionals in particular to switch positions with losses. Summary The DAX's return to the profit zone has mainly affected bearish professionals. 22% have exited their short...
Many professional bears have given up and are now sitting on the long side. The situation is different for private investors, who are more likely to be out. The bottom line is that this is taking strength out of the market. Summary The slump...
Many professionals are reacting to the good DAX performance by switching to the short side. In Goldberg's opinion, however, this makes the sentiment situation rather favorable. Summary Last year ended quite successfully for German blue chips...
Others are apparently involved in the new highs, not medium-term oriented domestic investors. Some of them are under pressure to close the year without too many losses. Summary The medium-term investors we surveyed reacted quite differently...
Some are reacting to the new all-time highs with short positions that were previously on the sidelines. All in all, this could be helpful for further gains. Summary German shares, as measured by the DAX, are reaching new highs, as are other...
Little movement, hardly any opportunities - many prefer to pull back. Which means potential for further price gains, as Goldberg analyzes. Summary The narrow price range in which German blue chips have moved since last Wednesday offered few...
The ECB has - as expected - paused on interest rates, but the main topic remains the Middle East conflict and concerns about an escalation. In corporate bonds, there is bad news from SoWiTec. In addition, PNE suffers from the Siemens Energy...
In the meantime, all sorts of things are putting pressure on share prices, to which medium-term investors are reacting by switching from long to short. This slightly improves the outlook for rising prices. Summary According to today's...
Actually, the matter seemed clear. The interest rate hike by the U.S. Federal Reserve at the end of July was supposed to mark the peak. Subsequently, discussions focused on the timing of the first interest rate cut. That has changed again after the...
If you're looking for good small caps, you'll have to take a close look. Because the segment as a whole continues to lag behind the large caps. And individual stocks have lost a lot of ground. The three questions this time go to Thomas Milz of...
Despite the fairly high levels, some professionals are switching from bullish to bearish, while private investors are staying put. Not bad, but also not a good starting position for further gains, Goldberg believes. Summary Despite positive...
German blue chips are holding in positive territory, causing some professionals to give up and private individuals to cash in. This worsens the situation for further price gains, Goldberg assesses the sentiment. Summary The DAX continues to...
It may have been a mixture of risk aversion and trend fatigue that led to a marked shift in investor sentiment towards pessimism. Summary Although the DAX has marked a new high since last Wednesday in the course of its rally that began at...
It may have been a mixture of risk aversion and trend fatigue that led to a marked shift in investor sentiment towards pessimism. Summary Although the DAX has marked a new high since last Wednesday in the course of its rally that began at...
International investors drive share prices, local investors react with profit-taking. Goldberg warns that the market could run away from them. Summary Few positive signals, interest rate hikes could rise less dramatically - from the point of...
The DAX continues to rise, the professionals hardly react, only among private investors hope consolidates. Goldberg suspects that this is because many risks have been ignored. Summary Skepticism is crumbling, at least among market...
[Translate to English:] [Translate to English:]Der DAX ist auch in der vierten Woche hintereinander gestiegen, aber zwischen den Privatanlegern und institutionellen Investoren ist man scheinbar geteilter Meinung darüber, wie es...
The professionals react with optimism to the recent price capers. Which, in Goldberg's view, tends to weigh on the market. Summary Despite the unchanged critical news situation, investors seem to want to take more risks again. The DAX has...
Despite falling prices, quite a number of medium-term investors are going long. Not a good sign, according to Joachim Goldberg. Summary Bad news and rising interest rates continue to drive down the prices of German blue chips, and local...
Leverage Shares significantly expands the product offering to include trackers of various individual stocks, entire portfolios and sectors, as well as individual commodities with different levers.  13 September 2022. FRANKFURT (Börse...
Anleger*innen bleiben vorsichtig, weil die Marktrisiken nicht weniger werden. Sie kaufen vor allem ETFs mit US-Aktien. 5. Juli 2022 Frankfurt (Börse Frankfurt). Neben anhaltenden Rezessionssorgen prägen Ängste um ein komplettes Ausbleiben russischer...