Markets und segments
Prime Standard for bonds

Bonds in the Prime Standard are fixed-interest securities of established companies that wish to finance themselves with borrowed capital.
The Prime Standard offers investors for corporate bonds of internationally operating companies with high transparency and information obligations. It is a possibility for companies to raise debt capital via the stock exchange. It is looking to recognised market leaders who at the same time want to strengthen their international competitive position and reputation with a bond issue.
Corporate bonds in the Prime Standard can be admitted to the Regulated Market or included in the Open Market.
Essential inclusion requirements:
- National accounting for issuers domiciled in the EU or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
- Bond volume of at least 100 million euros placed
- Denomination of 1.000 Euro
- Transmission of company key figures, company or bond rating, credit rating, summary of the rating report, company calendar, audited annual financial report or annual financial statements.
Exceptions are possible for issuers with shares in the DAX or MDAX.
June 2019, © Deutsche Börse AG